Friday, 29 May 2009

Intern Log 05.29.2009

With finals fast approaching, my week was in a constant state of chaos and stress. Amidst working at Chaco Canyon Cafe, traveling around Puget Sound, and preparing for next week's exams, I did manage to get a fair amount done for Sound Experience. Probably the biggest accomplishment was my trip to Port Townsend--which I've now made twice--to meet with Elizabeth.

She and I talked about many things: What we've accomplished so far, how the internship has been going, etc. We both agreed that things have been going well and we've had a lot of fun doing it. We brainstormed more ideas, but likely my last big project for this internship is to create a power point presentation for Sound Experience. That is not to say that my volunteering for them is over; I have ideas plans for the entire summer and next fall.

However, returning to the power point idea, we would like to have a standardized presentation for our organization. This idea has been championed by Sound Experience's Marketing Committee. The reason behind it is to standardize our image to the public. The dream of the marketing committee is to designate a volunteer per port we sail from to promote our organization.

To explain that better, we're hoping that we can create a media package to be used by these port volunteers. It would include business cards, flyers and things along those lines, but also a power point presentation that would be as easy as download and start clicking! Long story short, I'm going to start working on that.

Moving on.ast week I created a mock-newsletter for my "Writing for the Mass Media" course. The newsletter was to contain five articles of roughly 100 words each. I decided to write about the Sussex school, as I was a volunteer on board for that trip. I ended up posting that on S.E.'s blog.

Lastly, I did some small things for the Facebook page. I linked our page to our YouTube account so that our movie "Come Sail With Us" is accessible. (I'm working on getting a copy of the AVI file so I can upload it directly to our page.) I also downloaded and implemented a program on facebook that "feeds" our blogger posts to our facebook page. Finally, I've just been doing more frequent updates, letting our fans know what we're doing and how they can get involved.

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